Muttaqien; Indonesian Journal of Multiciplinary Islamic Studies
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024)Pada Vol. 05 No. 2 Juli Tahun 2024 ini, Jurnal Muttaqien: Indonesia Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies menerbitkan enam artikel yang ditulis oleh penulis dengan latar belakang keilmuan yang beragam. Hal ini menggambarkan keragaman topik penelitian dalam kajian studi Islam multidisiplin yang diterbitkan oleh Jurnal Muttaqien. Artikel pertama ditulis oleh Andi Nur Ahyani, Muhammad Syahrul Mubarak, Abdul Gaffar, Nasri Akibdengan judul Komodifikasi Dalil Agama di E-Commerce. Artikel kedua ditulis oleh Winarto, Ahmad Shuhada, Adika Arifin Matlawi, Nazwa Aulia Fitriyana dengan judul Motif Larangan Penyembelihan Sapi oleh Sunan Kudus dan Relevansinya terhadap Penguatan Moderasi Beragama.
Selanjutnya, pada artikel yang ketiga Daffa Aulia Ramadhan menjelaskan penelitiannya dalam judul Halal Certification for MSMEs: Navigating Perceptions and Implementations Through the Lens of Maslahah Mursalah. Kemudian pada artikel keempat Nirma Fertiwi melalui artikelnya yang berjudul Pengaruh Implementasi Indeks Literasi Zakat terhadap Strategi Pengumpulan Zakat di BAZNAS Provinsi Jawa Barat. Berikutnya pada artikel yang kelima yang ditulis oleh Fauziyah Latiefa Salsabila, Abd. Chair dengan judul Ibnu Khaldun Islamic Economics Thoughts in the Book of Muqaddimah and Its Relevance Against Indonesian Economy. Dan artikel yang keenam ditulis oleh Muhammad Yalqa Rayyandhiya Azka, Jenuri dengan judul Urgensi Nilai Islam dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Teknologi Kontemporer.
Muttaqien; Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Islamic Studies
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024)In Vol. 5 No. 1 of 2024, Muttaqien; The Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies published six articles written by authors with diverse scientific backgrounds. This illustrates the diversity of topics in multidisciplinary Islamic studies. The first article was written by Muhammad Fauzi, Sugianto Sugianto, and was titled Analisis Pembiayaan Bermasalah pada Bank Syariah. The second article was written by Margo Sampurno and was titled Nahdlatul Turats: The Islamic Philology Movement in Tracing the Scholarly Network of Nusantara Scholars. Next, in the third article, Teguh Lesmana, Mohammad Ridwan, Dini Selasi, Bambang Firmansyah in the title Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Zakat di Kecamatan Sedong Kabupaten Cirebon. Then, in the fourth article, Saskia Irhamni, Cece Nurhikmah, and Amit Saepul Malik, through their article entitled Hikmah Larangan Mendekati Zina dalam Q.S Al-Isra’ Ayat 32 Perspektif Tafsir Al-Mishbah. Next is the fifth article by Muhammad Syam'ani and Yusuf Mahmud titled Peranan Platform Digital Investasi dalam Mengubah Mekanisme Transaksi di Pasar Modal Syariah Indonesia. The sixth article was written by Rudiyanto, Mohammad Nizarul Alim with the title Akuntabilitas Proses Sertifikasi Halal Berbasis Self Declare pada Halal Center Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.
Muttaqien; Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Islamic Studies
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023)In Vol. 4 No. 2 of 2023, Muttaqien; The Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies published six articles written by authors with diverse scientific backgrounds. This illustrates the diversity of topics in multidisciplinary Islamic studies. The first article was written by Ismail Ludin; Saepul Mukti with the title The Influence of Servant Leadership and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of Employee of Minhajul Haq Islamic Boarding School Purwakarta. The second article was written by Nurul Azizah Az zakiyyah, Arief Mulyawan with the title espon Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia terhadap Bauran Kebijakan Bank Sentral. Next, in the third article, Maulana Farhan, Ary Dean Amry in the title Pengaruh Pengangguran terhadap Iklim Investasi Syariah di Provinsi Jambi. Then in the fourth article, Maulida Zahrotul Ulya, Mukh. Nursikin melaluithrough their article entitled Urgency of Values Education in Islamic Perspective Towards the Era of Society 5.0. Next is the fifth article written by Khoirul Wakhid, Rohmawati Kusumaningtias with the title .The Application of the Accountability Dimension of “Sunan Drajat” Social Education Pure Foundation in Lamongan. And the sixth article was written by Muhamad Ridwan Effendi, Rihlah Nur Aulia, Amaliyah Amaliyah, Naila Fathiya Salsabila with the title Integrasi Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Ilmu Sosial Profetik dalam Penguatan Keberagamaan Mahasiswa.
Muttaqien; Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Islamic Studies
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)In Vol. 4 No. 1 of 2023, Muttaqien; The Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies published five articles written by authors with diverse scientific backgrounds. This illustrates the diversity of multidisciplinary Islamic studies study topics. The first article was written by Haris Abu Bakar Sidik with the title The Influence of Income and Education According to Islamic Perspective on Satisfaction of Young Employees. The second article was written by Mila, Ridya Nur Laily, Mardliyatun Nahdliyah Putri with the title Readings of Surat al-Waqi'ah and Verses of Sustenance as Portraits of Religious Rituals. Next, in the third article, Sofia Gussevi, Ira Novianty, Pebi Supiana in the title Father's Obligations for Post-Divorce Children's Mortgage Rights. Then in the fourth article, gung Wahyu Utomo, Mohamad Ali, Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum through their article entitled The Concept of Adab Perspective of Al-Ghazālī and Its Relevance to Character Formation. And the fifth article was written by Adriansah, Hana Uswatun Hasanah with the title Knowledge of Internet Technology and Its Application System in the Perspective of Islamic Economics Interest in Online Shopping.
Muttaqien; Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Islamic Studies
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)In Vol. 3 No. 2 of 2022, Muttaqien; The Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies published five articles written by authors with diverse scientific backgrounds. This illustrates the diversity of multidisciplinary Islamic studies study topics. The first article was written by Nurul Adimah, Irsyad, Wawan Oktriawan with the title Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam. The second article was written by Yusuf Setiawan with the title Analisa Pencatatan Nikah (Kawin Belum Tercatat) pada KK dalam Persfektif Disdukcapil Purwakarta. Next, in the third article, M Sanusi, Azi Ahmad Tadjudin, Sofia Gussevi in the title Urgensi Itsbat Nikah bagi Perkawinan di Bawah Tangan (Studi Kasus pada Warga di Desa Ciherang Kecamatan Pasawahan Kabupaten Purwakarta). Then in the fourth article, Ujang Abidin, Dulnasir through their article entitled Dua Sisi Proses Penyelesaian Sengketa: Upaya Mewujudkan Keadilan Pemilu. And the fifth article was written by Ariane Nafila, Syamsu Al Alam Al Fatah with the title Peranan Self Efficacy dalam Mengatasi Kecemasan Berbicara di Depan Umum.
Muttaqien; Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Islamic Studies
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)In Vol. 3 No. 1 of 2022, Muttaqien; The Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies published five articles written by authors with diverse scientific backgrounds. This illustrates the diversity of multidisciplinary Islamic studies study topics. The first article was written by Wawan Oktriawan, Adriansah, Siti Alisa with the title Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Desa Campakasari Kecamatan Campaka Kabupaten Purwakarta. The second article was written by Rina, Erfian Syah, AD Kusumaningtyas with the title Analisis Pesan Dakwah dalam Novel Religi. Next, in the third article, Bahmidi Magi in the title Praktek Jual Beli Bahan Bangunan dengan Sistem Wakalah. Then in the fourth article, Imam Tabroni, Jajang Dodi through their article entitled Family Education in The Book 'Uqūd Al-Lujjain fῙ Bayani Huqūqi Al-Zaujain. And the fifth article was written by Taufik Akhmad with the title Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia di Masa Pandemi Covid-19.
Muttaqien; Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Islamic Studies
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)In Vol. 2 No. 2 of 2021, Muttaqien; The Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies published five articles written by authors with diverse scientific backgrounds. This illustrates the diversity of multidisciplinary Islamic studies study topics. The first article was written by Mita Purnamasari; Arief Mulyawan Thoriq with the title Peran Media Dalam Pengembangan Dakwah Islam. The second article was written by Afif Ridho Pramudya, Muslimatun Kholifah Anta, Hana Taqiyya, Muhamad Ridwan Effendi with the title Spiritualitas Agama di Masa Pandemi: Strategi Penguatan Keberagamaan pada Mahasiswa PAI FIS UNJ. Next, in the third article, Sofia Gussevi, Melinda Maulani, Nur Aeni Muhfi in the title Jejak Langkah Pengadilan Agama Purwakarta. Then in the fourth article, Wildan Solihin, Ade Irvi Nurul husna, Nurul Fauziah, Saepul Mukti through their article entitled Peran Agama dalam Pembentukan Perilaku Anti-Korupsi. And the fiftth article was written by Moch Agus Ariffianto Agus, Rian Permana Suryadipraja, Rohma Septiawati, Arman Paramansyah with the title Pengaruh Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Angkringan Abah Agus Karawang.
Muttaqien; Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Islamic Studies
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)In Vol. 2 No. 1 of 2021, Muttaqien; The Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies published five articles written by authors with diverse scientific backgrounds. This illustrates the diversity of multidisciplinary Islamic studies study topics. The first article was written by Imam Tabroni, Hisam Ahyani, Dian Permana with the title Philosophical Review of Materialism and Idealism Limits of Wedding Age in Indonesia; Study of Article 7 Paragraph (1) of Law 16 of 2019 jo—law 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. The second article was written by AD. Kusumaningtyas with the title Komunikasi Publik Ormas Keagamaan Islam terkait Social Distancing pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 (Studi atas Sikap Resmi NU, Muhammadiyah, dan MUI). Next, in the third article, Abin Saripudin, Wawan Oktriawan, Nunung Kurniasih in the title Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Restoran Saung Manglid. Then in the fourth article, Achmad Baidowi, Moh. Salehudin through their article entitled Strategi Dakwah di Era New Normal. And the fifth article was written by .Retna Dwi Estuningtyas with the title Strategi Komunikasi dan Dakwah Pada Kalangan Milenial di Era Modernisasi.
Muttaqien; Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Islamic Studies
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)In Vol. 1 No. 1 of 2020, Muttaqien; The Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies published lima articles written by authors with diverse scientific backgrounds. This illustrates the diversity of multidisciplinary Islamic studies study topics. The first article was written by Azi Ahmad Tadjudin with the title Corak Pemikiran Hukum Teologi Asy’ariyyah; Studi Pemikiran Hukum Abu Hâmid Al-Ghazâli (450 H - 505 H) Dalam Al-Mustashfâ Min ‘Ilm Al-Ushûl. The second article was written by AD. Kusumaningtyas with the title Perspektif Gender tentang Isu Poligami dalam Lima Film Bergenre Religi. Next, in the third article, Ade Irvi Nurul Husna in the title Kebijakan Peningkatan Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah di Indonesia. Then in the fourth article, Sofia Gussevi through their article entitled Manajemen Konflik dalam Rumah Tangga Isteri yang Bekerja. And the fifth article was written by Mimin Mintarsih, Pirotu ssa'adah with the title Batas Usia Minimal Perkawinan Menurut Perspektif Hukum Positif di Indonesia dan Hukum Islam.