Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Muttaqien; Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Islamic Studies
In Vol. 5 No. 1 of 2024, Muttaqien; The Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies published six articles written by authors with diverse scientific backgrounds. This illustrates the diversity of topics in multidisciplinary Islamic studies. The first article was written by Muhammad Fauzi, Sugianto Sugianto, and was titled Analisis Pembiayaan Bermasalah pada Bank Syariah. The second article was written by Margo Sampurno and was titled Nahdlatul Turats: The Islamic Philology Movement in Tracing the Scholarly Network of Nusantara Scholars. Next, in the third article, Teguh Lesmana, Mohammad Ridwan, Dini Selasi, Bambang Firmansyah in the title Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Zakat di Kecamatan Sedong Kabupaten Cirebon. Then, in the fourth article, Saskia Irhamni, Cece Nurhikmah, and Amit Saepul Malik, through their article entitled Hikmah Larangan Mendekati Zina dalam Q.S Al-Isra’ Ayat 32 Perspektif Tafsir Al-Mishbah. Next is the fifth article by Muhammad Syam'ani and Yusuf Mahmud titled Peranan Platform Digital Investasi dalam Mengubah Mekanisme Transaksi di Pasar Modal Syariah Indonesia. The sixth article was written by Rudiyanto, Mohammad Nizarul Alim with the title Akuntabilitas Proses Sertifikasi Halal Berbasis Self Declare pada Halal Center Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.
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