Changing the meaning of the Arabic language in Al-Jazirah newspaper
Change in meaning, Development of meaning, Al-Jazirah newspaperAbstract
This research aims to analyze changes in meaning in Arabic contained in Al-Jazirah Newspaper news. The research method used is descriptive qualitative using Al-Jazirah news as the main source of data. The results of the research showed that there were 4 expansions of meaning and 2 narrowings of meaning which were analyzed from one title in the al-Jazirah newspaper. The development of food is determined by the use of certain words, namely in the context of technology, politics and economics. In the context of technology, this research identifies 9 modern Arabic vocabulary words that have experienced changes in meaning related to technological developments. A total of 7 modern Arabic vocabulary words related to politics also experienced changes in meaning, while for economics, there were 5 modern Arabic vocabulary words that experienced changes in meaning in the economic context. The results of this research provide a deeper understanding of changes in the meaning of Arabic in the context of mass media, especially the Al-Jazira newspaper. The implications of these findings can be used as a basis for understanding the evolution of the meaning of Arabic in modern communication situations which are influenced by technological, political and economic developments, and there are also 5 developments in the meaning of Arabic that originate from fi'il sentences.
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