
  • Paedagogie: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Islam

    Paedagogie Journal is a SINTA 4 accredited scientific journal published 2 (two) times a year in January and July by Muttaqien Publishing and managed by the Center for Research and Community Service (P3M) STAI DR. KH. EZ. Muttaqien Purwakarta. This Jurnal contains scientific articles, research, research of community society, and student's thesis reviewing education and Islamic studies.

  • Kalamuna: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban

    Kalamuna Journal is a periodical scientific journal published 2 (two) times a year in January and July by Muttaqien Publishing and managed by the Center for Research and Community Service (P3M) STAI DR. KH. EZ. Muttaqien Purwakarta. This Journal is a multilingual (Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Arabic), peer-reviewed journal, and reviewing arabic education and learning at schools, madrassas, and/or Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) in Indonesian Context. The aim is to provide readers with a better understanding of Arabic Education in Indonesia Context and present developments through the publication of articles, research reports, and book reviews.

  • Muttaqien; Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Islamic Studies

    Muttaqien; Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Islamic Studies is a SINTA 5 accredited periodical scientific journal published 2 (two) times a year in January and July by Muttaqien Publishing and managed by the Research institutions and community service (LPPM) STAI DR. KH.EZ. Muttaqien Purwakarta. This Journal is a multilingual (Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Arabic), peer-reviewed journal reviewing multidisciplinary Islamic studies related to the Indonesian context. The aim is to provide readers with a better understanding of Islamic Studies in Indonesia and present developments by publishing articles, research reports, and book reviews.

  • Sivitas : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

    SIVITAS: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat is a SINTA 4 accredited periodical scientific journal published biannually in January and July by Muttaqien Publishing and managed by the Research institutions and community service (LPPM) STAI DR. KHEZ. Muttaqien Purwakarta. This Jurnal contains Human development and national competitiveness, poverty alleviation based on local resources, management of rural and urban areas with local wisdom, economic development, entrepreneurship, cooperation, creative industries, and UMKM, Environmentally friendly technology development, arts, literature and culture development; and community advocacy, national integration and social harmony. 

  • Addabani: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education

    ADDABANI: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education is a periodical scientific journal published 2 (two) times a year in August and February by Muttaqien Publishing and managed by the Center for Research and Community Service (P3M) STAI DR. KHEZ. Muttaqien Purwakarta. This journal contains scientific articles from interdisciplinary Islamic education research that reviews the topics of Islamic Education Philosophy, Modernization of Islamic Education, Islamic Education Policy, Islamic educational institutions, Islamic Higher Education, Islamic Education and Science, Islamic Character and education, Pesantren and Madrasah Education, Islamic Education and Social Transformation, Islamic education curriculum, Various Models, Strategies, Teaching Methods of Islamic Education, Islamic Education Figures, Islamic Education Media, Islamic Education Evaluation. 

  • Kiddie: Early Childhood Education and Care Journal

    Kiddie: Early Childhood Education and Care Journal is a scientific journal published by Muttaqien Publishing and managed by the Center for Research and Community Service STAI DR. KH. EZ. Muttaqien Purwakarta, which contains research results in the field of early childhood education, includes child development, child health and nutrition, policies, administration, and institutions of early childhood education, early childhood education curriculum, early childhood education learning methods and models, protection, upbringing, and early childhood welfare, morals and religion of early childhood education. Kiddie: Early Childhood Education and Care Journal is published twice yearly (August and February) with an online-based management system using the Open Journal System (OJS).

  • Komunikologia: The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting

    KOMUNIKOLOGIA; Indonesian Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting is a periodical scientific journal published bianually in June and December by Muttaqien Publishing and managed by the Research and Community Service Institution (LPPM) STAI DR. KH.EZ. Muttaqien Purwakarta. This journal contains scientific articles, research, community society research, and a student's thesis reviewing Islamic Communication and Broadcasting related to the Indonesian context. 

  • Muttaqien Publishing

    Penerbit Muttaqien Publishing merupakan salah satu penerbit yang memiliki hak dari Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia dalam menerbitkan Buku ber-ISBN (International Standar Book Number) untuk perguruan tinggi, sekolah/ madrasah, instansi pemerintah atau swasta, novel, buku ajar, bahan seminar, maupun buku populer dan menyediakan layanan cetak buku murah, namun tidak murahan baik cetak buku sedikit atau banyak. Kami juga melayani pengurusan pendaftaran HAKI atau hak cipta.